Thursday, May 1, 2014

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+ strawberry beet lavender smoothie +

 In case you couldn't tell, I'm all about berries these days, guys! I just can't stop throwing them into everything. It is such a shame that the price of local strawberries is still sky high (I'm talking 400% of the imported kind, boo!). Also, I'm slowly weening off warm morning drinks and dishes now that sandal time is officially here. Not that I will ever say no to a mug of chai...I mean we do have colder days in the spring, right? Ha-ha. Don't judge me! 
 I've been waiting to share this recipe since last year, when I came up with the idea in the beginning of beet season. Of course, at that time, I had to use frozen strawberries. This time though, I froze the banana instead, and used deep red fresh strawbs. I just love the vibrant colour of this smoothie, and the flavours marry so well!  I recommend this as a full-fledged breakfast, because it is pretty substantial and will fill you up. 

Without further ado, here's what you'll need to get it in yo belly


1 banana, frozen
1 small raw beet, peeled and cubed
7-8 fresh strawberries
2/3 cup coconut milk (home made or the kind in a carton)
1 orange, juiced
1/2 tsp vanilla powder
tiny pinch of lavender


Throw everything into your blender and blend it up, baby! Garnish with your fav toppings. Devour. Pose with your pink moustache. That's what I did.
(WARNING!!! Make sure you have a FRESH beet that's hard and wash it really well after peeling! Otherwise your smoothie will taste like soil. Don't be tempted to use up the one you bought a month ago and forgot about.)

You want to eat beets because:
  • the folate they contain supports red blood cell production, thus they help prevent anemia
  • they are a brain food that help fight dementia and related diseases
  • they naturally detoxify your body
  • they are loaded with cancer-fighting phytochemicals 
  • the betaine in them has an anti-inflammatory property
  • they're also said to be an aphrodisiac *wink*

Bottoms up!

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