While everyone's been busy visiting relatives and eating to their heart's content around Easter, let us not forget that there is another thing to celebrate around this time of year. April 22nd should represent an important cause globally. The modern world we live in today is so out of balance. People got used to living so conveniently that they often do not realize that their lifestlye comes with a price. Sadly, their children may have to be the ones to pay. I do believe that we could make a big difference together, if we lived just a little more consciously.
My boyfriend and I really got into recycling 2 years ago, and we have managed to take it to a higher level last year, when we started to compost at home. I am so proud of how far we got. The amount of waste we produce in a week has gone down to about one fourth of what we used to have. It is really worth the little effort you have to put in, and Mother Earth will thank you. In this quite short period of time, I got used to it. It even feels weird not being able to recycle when I'm not at home. (I sometimes take trash home, so I can dispose of it properly...I'm such a weirdo.)
Here's a little propaganda for you if you're not already convinced:
Source:Reusable Bags
Amazing info there, everyone. Why would you NOT recycle knowing all that? What valid excuse can be made here? I admit that apartment composting is for the hard core, but gathering paper and plastic bottles in two seperate containers is not difficult. Did you know that styrofoam NEVER decomposes? It takes a glass bottle 500 and a plastic bottle 700 years, so why would you not reuse them? This infographic sums it all up pretty well. If that does not make you change your mind, I don't know what will.
We have 6 seperate containers at home: 1 for paper, 1 for plastic, 1 for glass, 1 for metal and 2 for biodegradable waste. The first two fill up darn quick, and that really tells us what kind of a world we live in today. I also reuse mason jars, glass bottles, plastic bags whenever I can. When shopping for groceries I try not to get a new bag for the produce we buy. If it can't be avoided, I'll use them to pack up my lunchbox. Mason jars can come in handy for taking smoothies/soups or even salad to work or school. They also make excellent DIY material - along with vinegar/wine bottles, metal cans. The latter can also be returned to your local scrap metal recycling plant, who will buy and recycle them.
When disposing of textile, always consider donation first. If your clothes are in good condition, just look for an organization that will help you give them to the ones in need. Another option is to organize a fun clothes swap party in your community. Your boring old top may very well be someone's new favorite.
We have the privilege of having our own little garden where we're able to use the compost we make, which is TONS - one of the many benefits of a plant based whole food diet. When the containers are full, we'll just transfer them to the compost pile in the garden for later use.
Although this is just the tip of the iceberg, I truly hope that I opened your eyes a bit and made you think. Please, please PLEASE promise that you'll do your part in order for us to enjoy the beauty nature offers us :) Keep in mind that recycling policies will vary in different regions, so make sure you look around for info. It's not all that complicated, so don't sweat it.Finally, I just wanted to share some more useful information on the matter:
- a very extensive page, with fun videos and more facts and figures
- recycling by the numbers, another great infographic
- e-waste facts
Do you recycle? Do you have any useful tips for newbies? I'd love to read all about them in the comments!
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