Friday, April 17, 2015

+ the comfort plate +

I'm not sure how things are going in other corners of the world, but we've been having a quite hectic spring this year. Although I was able to get my vitamin D on a couple of times, it's been mostly chilly and windy. I came up with this recipe in the winter, but I'm glad I can still turn to it when a 0 °C night calls for legit comfort food. I cooked this dish for a good 7 evenings straight and didn't get tired of it. It comes complete with a ton of fiber, vitamin A, plant protein, and virtually no fat. It's ready in just 30 minutes.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

+ double chocolate caramelized banana oat cakes +

I have big changes coming up and I'm very excited. I can't wait to share more about it here!! To celebrate the event, without saying what it is, I present you this: 

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