Wednesday, May 28, 2014

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+ greener than green juice with rhubarb +

Could this be any more vibrant? The more green you eat and drink, the better. I don't normally drink juice as a meal replacement, but I like to have a huge glass (or mason jar) first thing in the morning is such a rush of energy and boost of nutrients! This one is a very deep green color and - as always - is very good for you! 

It is important that you drink your juice before you actually eat, because once you have anything in your belly, the juice cannot flow freely through your digestive tract and will be blocked, which may cause bloating and fermentation. Also, drinking it on an empty stomach will help you absorb all the good stuff in it quicker. I've been craving high water foods and raw, crisp things recently. Guess what! I don't even want my chai in the morning. This juice might just be the replacement for it. It is VERY simple and cheap. I actually bought 5 leaves of savoy cabbage at the grocery store, because people tend to rip off the outer leaves and just through them back into the box. I can't stand to see precious food go to waste. They would have ended up in the garbage, but I saved them and I literally paid less than 10 cents for them. People throw away so much that could easily be used up by someone else.
This green thing is more on the tart side, but you could maybe sweeten it up a little with an additional orange. I included chia seeds because they add healthy fats to your juice that allow you to properly absorb the vitamins and minerals and also prevent the sugar rush a bit. Honestly, I never thought I could juice rhubarb, but it worked! And I kind of realized how unique this plant is. When I was juicing the stalks, they smelt like nothing else. I could not liken it to anything I've ever eaten. 

Ingredients (yields approx. 0.5 l)
  • 2 stalks rhubarb
  • 2 green apples
  • 1/2 organic cucumber with skin
  • 3 large savoy cabbage leaves
  • 1 tsp chia seeds

Juice in your juicer. Stir in chia seeds, consume within 20 minutes. If you don't have a juicer, don't let it be an excuse not to taste this beauty!  You can easily make it by blending the ingedients with a teeny bit of water and strain the whole thing through a cheescloth or nut milk bag. 



  1. finally, I can try this one too because we have got a juicer now :) thank you for the recipe :)

    1. That's so great to hear! Let me know how you like it and how you feel afterwards :) x


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